Definition of Bovine leukaemia

1. Noun. (British) bovine leukosis ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Bovine leukaemia

1. A lymphoid neoplastic disease in cattle caused by the bovine leukaemia virus. Enzootic bovine leukosis may take the form of lymphosarcoma, malignant lymphoma, or leukaemia but the presence of malignant cells in the blood is not a consistent finding. (12 Dec 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Bovine Leukaemia

bovine babesiosis
bovine borreliosis
bovine brucellosis
bovine cancer eye
bovine colloid
bovine ephemeral fever
bovine ephemeral fever virus
bovine growth hormone
bovine haemoglobinuria
bovine herpes mammillitis
bovine herpesvirus 1
bovine herpesvirus 2
bovine immunodeficiency virus
bovine leucosis
bovine leukaemia
bovine leukaemia virus
bovine leukemia
bovine leukosis
bovine leukosis virus
bovine malignant catarrhal fever
bovine mastitis
bovine mitochondrial endonuclease
bovine papillomatosis
bovine papular stomatitis
bovine papular stomatitis virus
bovine petechial fever
bovine porphyria
bovine progressive degenerative myeloencephalopathy
bovine respiratory syncytial virus

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